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Children's Health | The Herb Clinic

Children can respond particularly well to herbal medicine and natural remedies. Discover more here.

Children's Health

My 6 year old son was unable to sleep independently and was sick every night, as such his school work was suffering terribly. Not only that, but I too was struggling to get sleep and was at the end of my tether. Ginny prescribed both he and I some medicine. Within 24 hours, my son had slept through in his own bed. Two weeks on he was only being sick or crying once a week. Two months on, his school work improved immeasurably and he point blank refuses to have a light anywhere near him at bed time....
— Sonja, Leicestershire


Herbal Medicine often appeals to parents because it’s natural and simple. In many cases of chronic childhood ailments, a gently effective herbal medicine may be all that is needed to help restore a child back to health.

A carefully formulated herbal medicine can be used for a wide range of conditions and to support a child’s health by getting to the root cause(s). 

Children are often prescribed powerful conventional drugs, such as antibiotics, steroids and sedatives, which can have long term repercussions. Whilst these medications have an important place in certain situations, all too often they are the only treatment considered when a gentler approach may be preferable.

For example, Eczema often responds well to herbal medicine. Yet, the most common treatment for eczema is steroid cream, which very effectively stops the skin inflammation and allows the skin to heal. Unfortunately, many patients find the eczema returns a short time after stopping the cream. They then enter a cycle of repeated courses of steroid cream that can have significant side effects

Herbal medicine is applied to help address the internal causes of the condition by targeting the hypersensitivity of the immune system and reducing inflammation, encouraging the skin to heal and promoting the growth of healthy skin cells, thus potentially diminishing the need for steroid creams. A herbal cream is generally used in combination with the medicine for existing Eczema so that it is addressed both internally and externally. Diet and lifestyle advice is also given as in my experience some foods can aggravate eczema, whilst simple things can be done at home to help the skin.

I have over 10 years’ experience of treating a wide range of children’s conditions and have found younger people very often respond particularly well to herbal medicines.

Following a consultation, each medicine is tailored to the individual and will typically contain around five different herbs. Medicine is generally prescribed in tincture form which is easily administered in a little juice or water.  For more information, please see consultations & Medicines

With two young daughters, I truly understand the importance of the health of children. If you would like to talk to her about your child’s health and how herbal medicine could help, please get in touch for a free confidential discussion on 07736829755.

  • Eczema & other skin complaints

  • Molluscum contagiosum

  • Recurrent infections

  • Poor immunity

  • Asthma support

  • Thrush

  • Nappy rash

  • Colic

  • Constipation

  • Poor appetite

  • Digestive problems

  • Food intolerance

  • Anxiety

  • Sleeplessness

  • Growing pains

  • Ear complaints

       .......and much more.