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The Herb Clinic

The Herb Clinic is run by registered professional medical herbalist, Ginny Kemp, who practices herbal medicine in Lincolnshire, Rutland and Leicestershire.

Call 07736829755 or Email

As a family we always turn to Ginny for help and support whenever we have the need to. She is so knowledgeable, caring and thorough - a true professional and has made a huge difference to my life.

I am an experienced Registered Medical Herbalist and a specialist in Modern Western Herbal Medicine with a degree in both Medical Science and Herbal Medicine.

Conveniently located in Stamford, Tur Langton, and Tilton on The Hill, I see patients from Lincolnshire, Rutland, Leicestershire, Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire and beyond.

Herbal Medicine

Western Herbal Medicine uses whole plant extracts combined in a bespoke medicine for the individual patient to address their specific health complaints and optimise health. When applied in this way, herbs can be used to help patients of all ages and with most medical conditions, either alone or alongside medicines prescribed by your Doctor.

So much more than symptomatic relief, diagnosis and treatment is aimed at the root cause of health problems. I will give you the benefit of my experience, spending time with you to understand your condition and choose the right herbs for you.

Is it time that you tried a different approach? Get in touch to find out how Herbal Medicine can help you.

Herbal medicine: A unique combination of herbs is prescribed for your own specific needs, because no two people are the same.

Herbal medicine: A unique combination of herbs is prescribed for your own specific needs, because no two people are the same.

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